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Registering for VAT OSS (“One Stop Shop”)

VAT OSS, or the One Stop Shop, is a system designed for businesses engaging in Business to Consumer (B2C) sales within the EU. At Barnes & Scott, many of our clients, particularly those in the tech sector, are required to register. While digital services like software sales or SaaS products...

Embargo Lifestyle

Asset 10@2x

The Forge Photographic Services


(Alumni) Cubitts

Picture perfect: How Barnes & Scott helped a post-production company save time and money by automating its accounts For The Forge Photographic Services, attention to detail is everything. The London-based, post-production company works its digital magic on advertising and editorial photo and film shoots. That could mean cleaning up dust...

The five stages of small business development

Back in 1983, the iconic Harvard Business Review published the five developmental stages that still apply to start-ups over 35 years later. Whether your company is launching a new app with minimal staff and infrastructure to consider, or a day-care nursery with over ten employees in a sprawling building, these...

Don’t let Brexit distract you from Making Tax Digital

Two of the hottest topics for accountants in recent times have been Brexit and Making Tax Digital (MTD). Both have resulted in plenty of questions – and not a lot of answers. We’ve been asked quite often by our clients about the impact of Brexit on taxes – especially VAT. The truth is, we...

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